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Qpigs (pigs feed distribution with dry feed)

qparents frontale th

Qpigs manages the control of pig feed with dry feed, distributing the quantity of daily feed (rationed or at will) at certain times of the day which is determined according the feed curve.
The management of the feed weight in distribution is carried out by detecting the weight of the silos (up to 8 silos): the loading of the silo is automatically recognized, by pausing the feed distribution and recording all the data of the silo load (date and quantity of feed loaded) , and resuming the distribution when the silo load is completed.

Distribution takes place in this way:

  • At will: without weight limits, during the preset periods of the day the program is limited to distributing the feed by recording all the data relating to the meal in the archives (quantity of feed, water).
  • Rationed: during the preset periods of the day, distribution starts and it consists of a certain weight to be distributed (Kg / head x number of heads present).

The program manages the accounting of the number of animals, so that the daily meal curve is set in Kg / animal (the curve can be changed temporarily without having to change the programming of the original curve).Furthermore, the liter counter signal is also managed in order to have the water consumed daily under control.All the data relating to the meal of the day, the loading / unloading of the silos and the performances of the animals are recorded in the archives (managed day by day). 


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